I am hoping that today will bring a lot of my fellow card-makers from the Operation Write Home blog hop! Thanks so much for stopping by! I have prepared something special for the blog-hoppers - a tutorial for making a really special hero card! The tutorial includes the measurements for making the working parts of the card - and so anyone could use this template to make a card for any occasion! I hope that it inspires some of you to try a new technique and make this super fun, interactive card. I rated the difficulty of this project to be four stars - don't be intimidated - once you get the cutting part done - the rest is super easy. You can embelish your card any way that you like and use this card to showcase a very special embelishment, photo, or anything that you like.
I have been making cards for Operation Write Home for about a year now and I am super proud to be a tiny part of this awesome group of people who make cards for our heroes! If you haven't checked out Operation Write Home - now is the time! I make cards for our heroes because I am all about the warm fuzzies in life. I love to help other people feel good. Can you imagine being a family member of a deployed hero? A piece of mail from your loved one would be a very wonderful thing I am sure. To recieve a beautiful hand made card that has traveled around the world and back would be so cool! I can't think of anyone more deserving of hand made cards than our deployed heroes and their families!
Another one of my favorite parts about Blog Hops is the offering of. . . BLOG CANDY!! Hooray! I am offering a neat gift for someone who visits my blog this weekend. All you have to do is follow these simple rules.
- You must be a participant in the Blog Hop 3/20/10 to enter.
- Leave me a message or reply to this post.
- I will choose a random winner from the list of responders!
- The winner will recieve a package from me that includes some really fun things for making hero cards! This package will include some patriotic papers and embelishments that I have put together, kind of like a card kit. I know that you will have fun with it!
- I am also restricting this offer to participants who live in the continental USA for shipping purposes.
Now then, Here is your video tutorial, and happy blog hopping to you!
If you are joining in on the blog hop - you probably just visited *Karen's* Dreaming and Creating!
The next blog on your stop is *Kajikit* ! Kajikit always has such awesome stuff! Hop on and check it out!!! Thank you so much for stopping by!