It's time to showcase some projects done with this month's Expressions kit from
Express the Moment!
First a few cards - quick and easy to make with this cute papers and embelishments from the We R Memory Keepers Black Out collection!
I have to admit. I am loving the papers and colors for this month but I am soooooooooooo carded out! I don't need any more Halloween cards! But Halloween is a great time of year for treats and small gifts for friends, co-workers, teachers, family members. . . so here are a few embelished project ideas that are quick, cheap and super easy to assemble. Just add candy!
On the left is a "test tube" or plastic container that you can get at the craft store for about a dollar. I wrapped the tube with a strip of leftover paper and added a pre-made chipboard tag from this month's kit. A little ribbon and some candy inside - what a fun gift. :)
To the right is a glass candle holder. I added some of the rub-ons to the candle holder and added a great autumn scented candle to the inside. Fun for someone who isn't into candy. Sugar free! Woot!
Here is a simple 8x8 page for my album this year. On the backs of the WRMK papers, there are squares of 6x6 patterned papers - I thought this one would be fun for a photo mat.
Those 6x6 papers are also the perfect size to wrap candy bars with - this makes an extra special treat for someone for Halloween - just buy some regular or king-sized candy bars and cover them with the 6x6 papers by taping the paper first to the back of the candy bar and wrapping around. Add some ribbons and tags and you have a really fun treat for your favorite monster!
Here is a "You've Been Boo'd" bucket made from a paint can - also available from craft stores for around a dollar. You could also use an empty coffee tin or mason jar. Decorate the outside with patterned paper, and attach a pocket or envelope for the "Boo'd" poem. Attach tags, buttons, brads, ribbons or any other embelishments. Fill the jar with candy and you have a really fun thing!
The "You've Been Boo'd" project is something that has been going around for quite a while - every year neighbors and friends exchange little tins or baskets of goodies for Halloween - the idea is to leave the gift for someone without them knowing that it was you - the recipient then has to "boo" two other neighbors and so on! You can find instructions for the game and templates to print the poem from lots of websites by searching Google - You've been boo'd. There are lots of different variations of the poem but here is one that I have kept in my files because it is one of my favorite versions - I'm sorry I do not know the original author!
You've Been Boo'ed!
Since this is the time for goblins and bats
Halloween spirits & ghosts & cats..
Weird happenings & witches brew...
These are the things I wish for you.
May the only spirit you chance to meet
Be the spirit of love and warm friends sweet
May the only goblin that comes your way
Be the neighborhood phantom, whom you'll want to give away.
So by tomorrow, pick two friends sweet
And give them each a Halloween treat.
You only have one day so hurry!
Leave the treat on the doorstep then flee in a flurry!