Saturday, March 10, 2012

Round Easel Cards

Happy Saturday! My house smells like bacon and coffee. :)

Don't forget to stop over to the latest Stars & Stamps tutorial for a great demonstration post by Sandy about how to make these Round Easel Cards.

I lucked out and had quite a few round card bases left over from Christmas. . . and made this little guy.

I cut my pieces using my Close To My Heart, Art Philosophy Cricut cartridge. . . Here are the measurements -
  • Two orange scalloped circles - 4.5 inches - layer these overlapping to make his beard.
  • One flesh tone circle - 3.75 inches - for his face
  • One  flesh tone "Oval 3"  1.5 inches - for his nose - mount with dimensional squares
  • One green "Oval 1" - 2 inches - brim of his hat
  • One green "Oval 3" - 2 inches - cut in half - top of his hat - mount with dimensional squares
I also added a strip of ribbon, a gold buckle brad and a bow, and doodled on some cheeks, freckles, eyes and a mouth. The sentiment was stamped and mounted inside with dimensional squares so that it pops up for the base to rest on. Here is a side view. Isn't he a cutie! :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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