Thursday, March 8, 2012

Make Some Brads!

I know, it's not Monday... Sheesh... my schedule has been goofy. :) But I did finish my project for the brad tutorial today and uploaded to YouTube. Since it is already getting hits, I thought I had better post it here, along with a finished project I completed with some of the brads that I made. So, Happy Moneysaver Monday, on Thursday. Or whatever. :) I hope you enjoy it. It's been too long since I had time to make a whole tutorial video.

Here is a card too, and a few close-ups of the finished brads. Thank you for stopping by!

Here are the silver acrylic paint "nail" brads, the orange flocked brads, and the yellow glitter brads.

A close-up of the denim paper covered brads and the green heat embossed brads. Heat embossing the brads turned out to be my favorite, despite the war wounds. :)

These brads are painted with nail polish, which is also a nice technique. The ones in the center have stickles on them, which did not dry as evenly as the coat of glitter nail polish. The lady bug is red nail polish with black marker doodles.

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  1. Love it but I'm not sure I have the patience or the desire to be that matchy... Overachiever!!! ;)

  2. Great tutorial Nancy! While I don't know that I would do this on a regular basis, it's fantastic for those time you just can't find what you want on a store shelf.

  3. Great ideas for altering brads! I've done the embossing trick, but it's nice to have some alternatives when I need a specific design. Thank you!

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Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.