Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Chickadee, revisited

A while back, I posted a tutorial on using the CTMH Art Philosphy cartridge for making these Chickadee Cards. The response has been amazing. I never thought that the tutorial would be so well received.

I'm going to do another video tutorial soon, to show a card like this in the works. I've been working on the parts already and I think that it will be a fun one!

Meanwhile, I wanted to share a photo of these magnets that I made for my latest customers. I followed the same recipe as above, and used one of the "Universal Backgrounds" stamps... Well... In the background... :D

I used a Spellbinders die to cut the base, which is actually from a magnetic sheet. You can find this kind of sheet in any office supply store. It's made for making your own magnets. I was very surprised and delighted that the Spellbinders die cut through them like butter. :) So these are little magnets...

If you want to stay tuned to my You Tube channel, I'll have that video tutorial up soon. Hoping to get time to work on it over the holiday weekend!

Thanks for stopping by!

1 comment:

  1. okay I am impressed. I would never have thought to make an actual card with two of them I would have just cut them down and used them as card toppers. You have opened a new way of thinking for me...and knowing the adhesive is going to "stick" is a life saver. Thank you for sharing your creativity!!
    Oh yes...I love that sketch and your card!!


Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.