Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Sketch #31

What a treat! I am filling in at an office this week. *Just answering messages, filing, taking care of mail and etc. Fun! And what great timing. . . all of this back to school stuff is expensive, you know? I do appreciate the opportunity to make a few extra dollars. And I promise not to spend them on paper and glue!!! So in between calls and filing my nails  charts I was able to glue down this little **quickie for Sketch challenge #31 over at Stars & Stamps. Fun haunted tree sticker, huh?  I am pretty sure that it came from WalMart. Oooooo!

post signature

* All kidding aside, I have worked very hard at the office this week! Customer service has been OUTSTANDING.  And I washed the windows too!

**Any resemblance of the background of this photo to Debbie's desk are purely coincidental.


  1. LOL...filing charts, eh? This is so cute!!

  2. You're too cute....and you're little card too....hehehehehe!!! ;)

  3. What a great card! That tree is just awesome!


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