Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I apologise

. . . in advance. . . this post has nothing to do with cards, tutorials, scrapbooking, or anything of any real value. . . In effort to spend more quality time with my dear hubby, I have been trying to learn about, and appreciate NASCAR. He loves to watch NASCAR. He has informed me, that next year, we will go to Las Vegas and watch the NASCAR race. Hey, I'm ok with Vegas. Can we go during some sort of scrapbooking convention week?

But really, I was watching NASCAR with him a little while ago, and he made fun of me because I picked the "3M" car. I did so because, hey, I recognized that 3M does indeed make a kind of scrapbooking adhesive. Pretty good stuff, too. He was upset when the 3M car won the race. I took it as a sign to go to Michael's and buy some more glue.

See how this works out?

At any rate, I was inspired. . . but I didn't have time until this evening, to share what I thought might be a darned good idea. How about a NASCAR for the ladies? Something that we can really get behind?

That is all!
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  1. That is just too funny! My husband also loves watching Nascar and it is so not my favorite thing to do. :) But my husband bought tickets for Vegas about 3 years ago when they put in the new track and I have to say it was way more fun to watch live then it is on t.v.
    Have a great day. :)


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