Monday, March 1, 2010

New Tut :)

What I love best about making cards, or scrapbook pages, or whatever, is that it gives me a sense of inner peace and calm. I get a sense of accopmlishment and everything just feels. . . good! It is a great thing that I am able to find peace and good feelings like this, because they also help to carry me through the not-so-good times. Sadly, like today. In the middle of my Monday Paper Engineering , we recieved some bad news about our good kitty Tigger, who sometimes co-stars in my videos. Not by my choice of course, he is a camera hog and likes to make random appearances. :) I think that he always has wanted to be a YouTube pet star!

I had just dropped Tigger off to the Vet this morning to have his teeth cleaned. He has had some dental problems of late, which most of the CDC can attest to. Sorry about the kitty dragon breath, ladies! Come to find out, Tiggers issues were due in some part to a bad tooth - but he has a massive tumor in his jaw. We ran around the options with the vet - which include a CAT scan (no pun intended) surgery, and even things like a trip to Colorado to the Veterenary Oncology clinic. Wow . . . just wow. The tumor takes up all of the left side of his lower jaw. For now, Tigger is home and is recovering from a tooth extraction and a good dose of anesthesia. He seems to be his good and normal self and we are going to watch him for now and see where life takes us. We love you, good kitty Tigger and we wish you all of the best. What a good furry friend you are!

And here is what Mom worked on, while all of the boys were away today. Enjoy!

Ahh, here are those measurements for the panels, if you want them too.

The card base is 5.5 x 12"
Score the card at 4", 6.5", 9", and 10.5"
Measure in 2"
Cut the card as shown in the video!

The panels are as follows:
Back panel - 5.25 x 3.75"
Middle panel - 3.25 x 2.24"
Front panel - 5.25 x 1.25"

If you are cutting Cricut embelishments, the 1.5 inch size works great for border embelishments!

The side panel (can be placed to the right, or the left, depending on how you fold your card) measures 1.75 x 3.75"

If you try this card, I would love to see what you can come up with. :)

1 comment:

  1. cool card and video! Yikes, it's gonna go on my ever growing list of things to learn.

    Sorry about your kitty, that is so hard when they get sick. My dd just lost one of hers very recently.


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