Thursday, March 4, 2010

Color Challenge!

We have had a couple of nice days here in Southeast Idaho. It rained a little bit yesterday and the sun has really helped us start to thaw out a little. For the first time in months, the driveway is completely cleared of snow/dirt (snirt) and you can even see bits of the lawn in some places. Things will be a muddy ugly mess soon for sure. I am really looking forward to the spring colors and the first sightings of buds on the trees and the spring flowers poking up out of the frozen tundra!

The OWH blog Stars and Stamps has offered another fun color challenge and I was excited to try my hand at a colorful card based on this photo. I love the reds and purples!!!

I cannot tell a lie - I totally stole this next technique from a card that I saw on display at Robert's Crafts the other day. Robert's is closing at the end of April. Did you know??? Dooooom!!! I am really upset about this. But anyway, here is my card, and a quick tutorial for trying the technique - which is really fun.

*disclaimer - this card won't be appropriate for the troops, because of the glitter. . . but I can't make ALL glitter free cards, you know? I just can't stand it!!!

The first thing that I did was to collect my papers - I used the Easter 2010 Cricut Cartridge to cut this cute egg and scalloped background.

Next - I used what I will call the Tape Technique - I applied strips of scotch tape to the back side of my egg. I trimmed around the egg with scissors to cut off any overhanging tape. The important part is to make sure that all of the little window areas are covered completely. It also helps to apply the tape with the paper down on a non-sticky surface like a cutting mat or a piece of wax paper - something that the tape will not stick to.

Next, I used my doodlebug glitter to fill the little window areas. The glitter sticks to the tape quite nicely! I found this little tool to apply the glitter to the tiny areas - it's a skin tool actually - I believe that I got it from Avon for a dollar or something crazy - it has a teeny tiny little spoon at the end. Spoooon! I think that this is a zit tool . . . so I will call this the Glitter Spooning Zit Tool Technique. Maybe I need a video about that?

Finally the layers were all completed and I matted them together. The glitter-on-the-tape technique is really fun and it actually makes a really neat little stained-glass appearing embelishment. It would be fun to make a card with this kind of thing as a window, so that the light shines through the tape and glitter - try it - you will see what I mean.

In other news - the CDC will be meeting at my house on Monday the 8th at 10am. . . we will be doing Spring / Easter / St. Patty's day cards - can't wait to see you guys!

Mr. Tigger is doing well and has been sleeping a lot. When he isn't sleeping, he has been hanging out by the back door. He has been eating well and he even played with Steve the Ferret a little bit yesterday. We keep hoping that he will do well - so far, so good!


  1. Nancy, I know what you mean - sometimes you just MUST make a card with glitter. This one is very nice and I had not seen this technique before so thanks so much for the great info. Blessings, Louise

  2. Love this card and the explanation how you did it.. I may have to borrow from you who borrowed from.....

  3. This is so pretty!
    I've seen glitter sandwiched between 2 layers of clear packaging tape and then sandwiched between the die cut image and a window in the card. Your card is so pretty it reminds me I need to try that out!

  4. Beautiful Easter card! Love all the sparkle... and great tutorial!

  5. Beautiful card - love the glitter idea!

  6. Lovely!! Even with the glitter, lol :)


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