Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy January Expressions!

Ahh, the new year! The new month! That means it's time for NEW KITS from Express the Moment! Hooray! I am so excited to be a part of the design team this year. I couldn't wait to get my hands on the Expressions kit and as usual, Kim had a great idea about featuring things to do with chipboard this month! Chipboard is one of my very favorite things, and I was able to put together a few ideas to get people started. Chipboard is fun! The possibilities are endless! It's like a blank canvas! Only. . . it's cardboard! :D

Kim was also thinking that it would be a cool extra side project to do one 8x8 page each month with what is left over from the kit when you are done making cards. Believe me - this is totally do-able! I am forever having little bits and pieces left over from my kits each month and I wonder what to do with them. . . an 8x8 page is a great idea. You could make your page about your kids, your pets, your sister, your . . . whatever you want! At the end of the year, you will have twelve completed 8x8 pages, and how much fun is that? It's also like a running record of the things you got in your kits too. SO EXCITED ABOUT THIS!

Here is my 8x8 page for January for starters, and this month's feature. . . January Expressions. . . things to do with Chipboard! Hooray! Kits will be ready soon. . . watch for that e-mail from Kim!


  1. The new video cracks me up! Love the music! Love the "theft" in you!
    Keep up the great work. The cards are amazing!!!!!!

  2. Another awesome video Nancy! :)
    I also drop by because till now I dont have the card kit that I've won... :(

  3. It takes a long time for stuff to get so far away from here I am sure Jeanna - I hope that it has gotten to you by now!


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