Tuesday, December 29, 2009


At the beginning of the year, I was inspired by a few friends to pick a word of the year. That word - would be something that I would strive to work for all year long. The word that I picked at the beginning of 2009 was "Serenity."

I can honestly say, that unlike New-Years' resolutions and promises to myself, my "word of the year" was something that I was thoughtful about all year long. My word "Serenity" was something that I worked very hard to achieve and found great comfort in when I was able to have success. "Serenity" brought me comfort on long trips to visit ailing grandparents and when I had other times of stress at work and at home. I found creative ways to bring calm quietness into my life this year. I dabbled in progressive relaxation and meditation. I used my crafting time as a way to unwind and destress. I looked for new music and things like yoga and stretching to bring myself moments of peace and calm. In my sometimes hectic life as a mom, nurse, caregiver and wanna-be artist, I needed those moments, and they honestly helped me when times were at their worst this year. Thank you, friends, for inspiring me to chose a word! I had such a positive experience from this, that I have chosen to do it again for 2010. Picking my new word has been challenging. I have given it several weeks' thought. I didn't want to pick a word that would be too simple. I thought about the word "inspiration" - but I don't really have much trouble being inspired. I thought about words like "relaxation" but that was to similar to "Serenity" and somehow, the word "Margaritas!" just doesn't seem appropriate either. :)

After much thought - I have chosen my word for 2010 and my word is "Organization."

I have chosen "Organization" because it is something that I would like to practice in all aspects of my life. Trying to be more organized at home, at work, in my car, in all areas - can only benefit me and my family (and friends and co-workers) too.
And so with that in mind, I set off to have a Happy, safe, fun, and Organized New Year! I have a lot to do and will try to share some of my ideas too - I have a few fun ones in mind for scrapbooking / cardmaking things.

Will you be picking a word for 2010? I would love to hear about your word. There are no rules. . . it can be a verb, a noun, a feeling, a goal - anything that you want to think about all year long. One word is a lot easier to remember than a bunch of resolutions anyway, don't you think? :)

Happy and safe New Year to all - and see you soon!

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