Monday, December 2, 2013


Heya! So, I really didn't mean to skip over the entire month of November. :(

Things have been crazy busy fun with my new job. I'm getting to travel and learn a ton of new and interesting things! I also got to go to a really nice crop this fall, and I've been busy cranking out the Christmas cards too. I'll share some of my favorites later. But for now, I've got a video to share!

Again, I haven't had much time for new videos this year, but I hope that you'll enjoy this one. I really had a lot of fun tackling the myth about fixing "B" plates for your Cuttlebug. I've seen it referenced in several places, and discussed in lots of forums and sites. It's pinned all over Pinterest... so it must be true, right?

Here's what happened when I filmed the whole process from start to finish. I did let the whole stack cool on the stove top for about 24 hours before the "unveiling" in the second part of the video. What you see, when I uncover the foil, is a live surprise to me, as well.

I've added my own comments about what I think of the whole idea. I hope that you'll watch, enjoy and comment and let me know what you think.

Good luck, and be safe!

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  1. Hi I posted the album on Imgur a while back and have only just found all the pinterest posts using my pics!! wow didn't know they would kick up so much interest! If you are interested here is the link t the original album!

    Jo x :)

  2. Or if you have any other questions about it. I blog and craft but I'm a busy mum wife and member of staff so my life is super busy but I like to craft in my spare time. my lil blog is here if you decide to mention it?


Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.