Sunday, August 5, 2012

OWH Day!

I'm having an Operation Write Home Day. There is so much to catch up with. It's fun to see how many people are inspired by the Olympics or at least, like me, watching while crafting! We have talked a lot about what kinds of card-making events belong in the Olympics. For me, this week, I think that I could totally medal in box-lifting, sorting and stamping! Maybe not so much in ATG tape changing.

Last weekend I attended a crop for Express the Moment and scored a PILE of cards to send to OWH. I also had a card making party at a local church... Both events were awesome, I will share more photos and details soon!

But for today, I just felt like making some cards. So here we go, Sketch #132 from Stars & Stamps.

I am inspired by our Olympians!

Here is something masculine.

And me for last Tuesday's Tutorial.

My most favorite part about this week is going to be sorting and tucking the new crop and party cards... AND putting away all of my summery colorful things in lieu of my favorite... Autumn colors and Halloween! I can't wait! Do you have a favorite time of year or holiday? Mine is coming up... Hooray!

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Oh my goodness--I love your ATG crown :) Love it! These cards are amazing!

  2. Beautiful collection of cards and inspiration. Go USA. Thanks for the visit and sweet luv. Hugs

  3. Great those usa letters...awesome and super guy card! TFS!!!

  4. All three are great cards, but I like the masculine one the best. Great guy card!

  5. Your cards are all lovely, especially those pansies! I love the first photo with the ATG tape! TOo funny :)

  6. Great cards. I love your ATG photo. Surely we can find a use for that! LOL. Thanks for sharing.

  7. And the gold for ATG goes to....Nancy!! You've been busy! Awesome cards in this post, but I think my favorite is the wolf. That's a terrific background!

  8. Hi Nancy, beautiful beautiful cards! The wolf card is very striking; what a treasure! I love autumn the best, too; such beautiful colors!

  9. Awesome cards, Nancy! I love your stars and strips on the U S A letters! So cute. Thanks for joining us in this week's OWH Stars & Stamps Sketch Challenge!

    PS - I could totally take the gold in ATG tape changing. All my scrappy friends get me to do theirs for them all the time, lol!

  10. These are beautiful, Nancy! I especially love that wolf in front of those trees. Oh, and another reminder to use my stars embossing folder! That's such a great take on this week's sketch.

    Fall is my favorite season - I love the colors and the food and layering my clothes. And to top it off, we have Thanksgiving, which it my favorite holiday. BUT here on Long Island the weather is windy when it gets chilly, so I definitely could do without the wind chill!


Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.