Sunday, July 8, 2012

Happy weekend!

Have you had a good one? It's been hot here... I didn't get nearly as many things done as I wanted to. But yesterday's nap was delicious and the pulled pork for dinner tonight was divine!

Have you been watching Sandy's tutorial series on how to color the little Hero Arts houses? Give them a shot, they are so fun!

Watch them here!

Thank you all for joining me for the OWH/OSH blog hop last week. I had so much fun and discovered so many new blog friends. I haven't finished up my sketches yet but hope to get those done soon. I spent the rest of today working on this weeks' Tuesday tutorial. I think that you guys are going to love it!

Congrats to Mz. Ruby who is the big blog candy winner. I had fun making her little package of goodies, so I think I will be doing that again soon too! :)

Thank you for stopping by!


  1. I received your email and am so excited! Thanks! I had so much fun on the blog hop, so many amazing cards and blogs. I am so glad I found your blog too. Love your cards!

  2. Those little houses really do look cute! They'd be perfect for someone moving into a new home :)


Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.