Sunday, May 6, 2012


Time is dwindling, I took some time to hang out with the family. We had the nicest pork roast for dinner. I talked to the Grandfolks in Albuquerque. They are doing well! Now the boys are hanging out... AJ is re-arranging his bedroom again. We watched the new episode of Game of Thrones... And I just finished this little fella for the Grey and Blue challenge at Allison's, and Beth's Die-cut challenge.

This little cutie is available in red rubber now from Stamper's Best. maybe this is Ciara's adorable cousin. :)


  1. Great job with the color combo challenge of blue and gray. Smart thinking to start combining some of the challenges, too! You did a great job coloring on this.

  2. So adorable, Nancy! Love the way you did his hat and neckerchief.


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