Sunday, July 31, 2011

Goodbye, July


What a fun month! Although I spent a great deal of July in Physical Therapy for my broken knee, I feel like I was also quite productive and was able to do a lot of fun card things! Aside from all the challenge cards and just regular cards I have been able to throw together for OWH I was also able to have two card drives.

First was one with the ladies of the Taylorview ward LDS church. . . this card party, put together by my boss’ wife Treasa was a ton of fun and I got to meet lots of nice new people. We had a great time and I think that the final card count was around one hundred. . . I still need to finish stamping the backs and boxing these up. . . shoulda done that first, I suppose. . .


  Here’s a little phone pic of our tables and some of the ladies. I had different projects to put together at each table. . . Christmas cards, general cards, ruffle cards, star cards, etc, varying in degree of difficulty. The ladies got to rotate through the tables at their leisure. This was a lot of fun, at least I sure thought so. :) And the cards, what a variety we ended up with! And so beautiful! I would definitely love to do this style of card party again!

Yesterday was another crop for Express the Moment and Kim was so gracious to allow me to have a “drop zone” box at the crop and I had a small make-and-take or make-and-drop card


for the ladies to put together. I don’t think that anybody took their card home. . . they ALL went into the drop box, along with many other cards that the ladies made throughout the day, and some cards that they brought in with them, to donate for the troops. I’m so darned proud of all of them! I got to give some cuttlebug lessons too so that was a good time. . .

We made card similar to Sandy’s awesome star card (lower left) only with different textures and stamps. . . I was also able to post the due dates for the upcoming holiday cards AND ETM will be having another crop in October, so I am hoping for a HUGE card drive before the Christmas Card deadline of October 31st. We can doo eet!!!!!!


Gratuitous photo of my awesomely embellished new crop bag. For you boys who don’t know, a crop bag or tote is a lot like a purse, only with EVEN MORE STUFF inside that you don’t want to know about. I see punches, scissors, pencils, tools, brushes, a nail file that is not for nails, and aherm, yes, that green bladed thing is indeed a scalpel. Hey, I pilfer tools where I can.  :) Best of all, there is my major award! My super bling! My OWH patch. . . I love it. It is perfect on my tote!

Last but not least for today, here is sketch #80 from OWH. . . and DON’T miss out on this awesome treat. . . some nice lady has recompiled ALL of the OWH sketches to date into a .pdf file that you can download and print for your very own records. How handy is that! I have copies of all of them in my OWH binder and use them all. . . seriously all of the time.

Here is sketch #80, and my sketch card. I used paper from a new DCWV paper pack that I picked up yesterday called the Tradewinds stack.

80      OWHsketch80


That’s all for today and I have a long week ahead. . . so many things to catch up and do before school starts. Can’t believe that it is August already. :)


Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.