Friday, October 29, 2010

OWH Blog Hop Time!

Hey everyone - I wanted to leave a post although I have been sicker than sick. . . I don't even know what kind of crud I have, but it is something evil and nasty! I got my flu shot about three weeks ago so I am pretty sure that it is not the flu??? Whatever it is, it has me down and out and I haven't even been able to make any cards lately (now THAT IS SICK.) Today, I think I might be feeling like half of a person again. . . and this is some TERRIBLY IMPORTANT NEWS. I have drug myself, snot and all, to the keyboard to post this just for you.

Won't you please stop on by Operation Write Home  and sign up to participate in their Veteran's Day blog hop (if you are a blogging type of person, that is. . . ) This is exactly the kind of blog hop that got me inspired to be a part of OWH and it is one of my favorite activities of the year. Lots of fun things will be going on here for the hop - so look forward to that. Meanwhile, Happy Halloween to you all. . . my Halloween is going out with a whimper and a whole lot of snot. Maybe I should be some kind of mucous monster . . . I wouldn't even need a costume for that.  Being sick sucks.

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Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.