Monday, July 26, 2010

Sketch 27

I think that I am having a Dustin Pike day for sure . . . I had to use this litte bubble dragon to go along with my card for Sketch #27 at Stars & Stamps.  I also thought that this would be a fun way to make use of some of those Scrapbook Crystals that I picked up at Porter's a few weeks ago. I used them for 3-D bubbles to add to what that cute little dragon is blowing. At this rate, I have enough crystals to make 204,789 more cards, just like this. :D  Well, maybe not that many. But they sure are cute!

Here is a copy of the sketch. Go! Make cards!

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  1. Oh my Goodness!!! too stickin' cute!!! i love your paper with the clouds and rainbows....adorable....everything about it!! ;0

  2. Your card made me smile! Love the "bubbles" and all the cute details!

  3. Oh Nancy, your Dustin Pike cards are so cute! Love them ;)!!

    Are you ordering your copic markers from Carpe Diem online store? That's where I've found the best price. When you add more colors try to stay in the "blending" family. An example would be BG11, BG13 & BG18. You'll get the most use out of your markers this way and get the best shading from dark to light. You can e mail me if you'd like.

  4. I can tell immediately a Dustin Pike card. They are very cute. I live your 3-d bubbles....don't have any..saw where you can make them. Thank you for sharing a very cute cute card.

  5. Oh, my! That dragon is just adorable -- great card! Thanks for your comment on my little blog -- I love my fat rick rack!

  6. How totally CUTE is this card with all those bubbles you added?!! That really adds a special touch to this adorable little card. Now I can look forward to a mere 204,788 more cards! Woot! :D

  7. How cute!!! The crystals are perfect for this card. Great work.

  8. Dustin always has the cutest digi stamps. I really like how you used it on this card.

  9. Great card- love those bubbles!

  10. LOVE the card!! The bubbles are clever!


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