Monday, July 12, 2010

More Expressions!

I have had the opportunity today to make some more cards from my July Expressions card kit from Express the Moment. . . I must say that I do feel like I have pretty much exhausted the whole dang kit and I had to scrounge a few punches on the side from my own scraps to finish up! If you are using your Expressions kits to make cards for the troops with me. . don't forget . . no glitter. . (bling is ok) A2 size cards are preferred, and add white liners to the insides of dark colored cards! More info is available at Operation Write Home if you need it. Here are the rest of the cards and I HAVE been continuing to also make one 8x8 page each month from my kit too. . .

Oh, and use of sketch 25 from this week's Stars & Stamps blog challenge too!

(I did add my own bling to this card!)



  1. Wow girl,these are awesome!!!!Great cards for everyone!!;)

  2. Great cards! I love the ribbon on the paper clip. What a great embellishment that makes.

  3. My favorite is the one that says "ma". What Army mom wouldn't love to get that from her soldier.

  4. Wow...great, awesome were on a roll. Very impressive!

  5. I like your bold designs! Very fun!

  6. Love that sketch card! Well, all of them actually, but especially the sketch card.

  7. Your cards are fantastic, all of them....but I really love the first one and the way you created that beautiful split star background!

  8. Very cute. Our Heroes and thier families will love them! Nice sketches in the previous post too.


Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.