Tuesday, November 10, 2009

November Expressions!!!

Wow. . . this year is flying by faster and faster each month! The November club kits are out from Express the Moment and there is a super cool suprise included with the Expressions Kits! The Expressions kits are for making cards, tags or other lovely things. They cost just $15.oo (plus shipping if you are not local) and boy are they worth every penny! You get all of these great papers and embelishments and envelopes for making . . . . anything that your imagination can create! Kim has asked me to help out by making a few cards for examples each month. She calls this being part of her design team. . . I call it, Ultimate Fun!!!!! Hehehe.

You can purchase the kits at the ETM website. You can even sign up to get them sent to you each month. Can you imagine going to the local craft store to purchase things to make 6-10 cards? I can garuntee you that I can NEVER get out of the craft store only spending $15.00. And even then, I am not so sure that what I bought will match very well. Kim has an incredible eye for detail and such great taste in matching patterns and embelishments and papers. You really have to see these kits to believe it!

Allow me to show an example. If a picture is worth a thousand words, how much is a ten minute video? Oh, all videos for YouTube have to be less than ten minutes. Who knew! :D

I will showcase my Expressions creations here at my blog each month. For even MORE detail and instructions on how to make the cards, you will need to check out the photo gallery at ETM. Thanks for checkin' it out. And here are some fun cards for November. :D

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