Monday, October 19, 2009

Card Day!

Card Day is always a little like Christmas :) Everybody gets to go home with so many goodies! It's also an awesome afternoon spent with friends. Good fun, good friends, good munchies. . . hehehe. . . and today we had a new member, Brandi!

Here is a video of the goods from today's creativity. Next Card Day will be November 16th at Stephanie's house. Hooray!

Check out all of these super cute Halloween Treats that we got to take home.


  1. Nancy I am so jelouse! Those cards are AMAZING! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Card day has been changed to the 9th of November. Come with your Christmas card kits and be ready to take home some goodies. Call me if questions. 317-1987


Thank you for your comments! I do always read them and they always make my day. Thanks for taking the time.