Monday, January 19, 2009

Oh boy! Or Girl!

I am truly addicted to the cute new things from Imaginisce. I find myself buying their coordinating stuff even if I have no current use for it. . . >.< . . .because it is just so damn CUUUTE!!!!

Last week I was inspired by the sudden influx of adorable little roly-poly pregnant mommies that seem to be everywhere around me at work - if they all pop at the same time, we are going to be in BIG TROUBLE. Hehe. . . anyway I thought it would be a good time to be prepared for the arrival of all of the little ones.

Paper and stickers are by Imaginisce. . . and I used some random coordinating ribbon (including that cute blue stuff from my ETM kit. . . *cough *cough . . . because it is sooooo adorable. . . ) and a few flowers here and there. Bring on the babies!!!


  1. Are you telling us something?
    So cute! Love that company!

  2. Thank yous Amanda and Kim. Noo o o o o o . . . not me, I stay as far away from the tainted water as possible, for I am tooooo old!


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