Monday, January 12, 2009

I Expressed My Expressions

*crossposted to my LiveJournal

Express the Moment has these really awesome little card kits that you can buy each month. SO WORTH IT! Every month you get this collection of matching. . . STUFF. . . paper and embelishments and ribbons and stickers and and and. . . :) You get the idea. This is an awesome idea for a new scrapper, or an old scrapper like me. Ha. . . the reason why I love it is because I might never choose the things that actually come in the kit. Let me explain that. . . sometimes when I am in the scrapbook store or shopping online, I walk right past something that might be a really cute idea waiting to happen. I have my "blinders" on because maybe I am looking for one thing in particular. With the ETM kit. . . it's kinda like a box of chocolates. (*best Forrest Gump voice here) You never know what you're gonna get!

This month I got this really cute collection of teal and purple goodies and things for making cute Christmas cards. Well honestly, after fifty some odd Christmas cards, I am all Christmassed out. So I made Thank you cards instead because, you know, I do need those for all of the great Christmas gifts we got!

Lemme just add another story here from the archives. When I was in the 10th grade, my Aunt Ginger got married in Atlanta. I was so excited because not only did we get to GO to the wedding, I got to be in her line. I remember all of the wedding primping and fluffing and going to try on the bridesmades' dresses. The dress wasn't that hideous at all. But I remember my mom's reaction well. Her colors are teal and purple??? O.o

Yes, mom really went. . . O.o. . . way back in the 80's.

To this day, my Aunt and I probably still share a love of teal and purple. When I got my ETM Expressions kit I had to have a little *squee moment because of the colors alone. Here's my this month's cards. . . and thanks ETM ladies for the awesome picks!!!


  1. Super cute! I haven't even started on my cards yet. But tomorrow night is the night.......I can feel it.

  2. Holy Cow! You need a prize! I can't believe you have your cards done already. Thanks for sharing!
    We will get the gallery updated this week so you can see more ideas. You rock!

  3. I need to learn how to use the ETM gallery. . . O.o I love these papers! Love them!

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